What was it that you had in mind?


Presumably, given that you are reading this, you are living a life of some sort.


Tell me this: Is it the life you had in mind? The one you dreamed of when you were, say, 16, or maybe 21, or maybe the one you were sure you'd have by the time you reached 40?

Maybe the one you never told a single living soul that you wanted, the one you gave up on ages ago because other stuff got in the way, you got practical and serious-minded and told yourself to put all the silliness behind you?
(See Pages, at left, for continuation of "What was it that you had in mind?)

Me, Lynn Ingram

About Me

It's a journey, this life, and mine has been full and varied. I've loved a lot and been loved, I've wept a good bit and I suspect I was the reason for a few tears shed by others. I've been enchanted by the power of words and the incredible resilience of the human spirit forever. I love sorting out what makes us human beings tick and trying to find out how to make us tick better, starting with me. So now I'm a psychologist and a writer. On the way here, I was a teacher, an editor, a striker on a shrimp boat, an unsuccessful advertising sales rep, a little theatre actress, a student pilot, and a handful of other things. And I'm not done yet.

What was it that you had in mind? (continued from main page)

(continuation from main page)

Yes, I see you out there, nodding, agreeing with me, getting ready to explain to me why it's really OK, this life you're living, that it's not that bad, that you're not really and truly dissatisfied....
Or maybe the things I've just tossed out there don't apply to you. Maybe you really are living a life very much like the one you had in mind.
Except there are a couple of things you wish could be a little different, a couple of nagging problems, a little trouble going on in one area or another of your life.
I see you, too, all of you in that sort of mildly dissatisfied, vaguely unhappy group.
And then, of course, there are the rest of you: all of you existing somewhere in between abject misery and mild discontent.
So here's the message: This blog's for you.
Neither I nor the blog itself is going to "fix" you; frankly, you don't need "fixing" in the first place; you are not broken.
What is true, however, is that you're really not living the life you value, the life that makes your heart sing, the life that has less suffering than the one you're living right now.
The good news is this: You can live that life. Yes, you can. You really can.
And some of what you find here can help you find the way to do it.
There will be signposts. There will be discussions about specific ways to make things better. There will be links to great thoughts and ideas and books from other people who have traveled these paths.
There will be hope.
Ready to come along?
I thought so.
Welcome to the journey.